May 6, 2020

The Lockdown Diaries - Chapter Three.

Welcome to another week of The Lockdown Diaries! We miss our members, so we have been checking in to see what they are up to. Check out what they said!

Welcome to another week of The Lockdown Diaries! We miss our members, so we have been checking in to see what they are up to. Check out what they said!

Wayne Farmer, FC Tulsa

Tell us about your job/ company and what a normal day looked like pre-corona virus.

I am the Director of Operations and Fan Engagement for FC Tulsa, Tulsa’s professional soccer team. We play in the United Soccer League (USL) Championship which is one of the most successful soccer leagues in the world. My role covers a wide scope from operations, the clubs community engagement as well as game day planning at ONEOK Field.

How has your routine changed since working from home?

Our front office staff are all working remotely as we prepare for professional soccer to return to Tulsa. Like most the work day has become virtual with more Google Hangouts and Zoom calls. And, like most, I have shared the experience of our dog Milo saying hello in the background on a few calls.

What has been your biggest win- professional or personal- in the past month?

Biggest win in the last month, that’s a good question. I will make this a future win that I look forward to... I look forward to celebrating an FC Tulsa win at ONEOK Field with the 36°N Family.

What is one piece of advice you would give to other remote workers?

FC Tulsa President, James Cannon, implemented a daily morning Google Hangout for all FC Tulsa staff. These have been great to interact as a staff, coordinate with other departments, and keep our business moving forwards. I have enjoyed starting my work day this way.

What has been your go-to quarantine meal?

I would not say we have discovered a go-to meal in our house. We have enjoyed trying different vegan recipes since working from home.

What is the last movie you watched?

The last movie my wife and I watched was ‘1917’. It’s a pretty intense war movie, but enjoyable for sure.

Kayla Comrie, MEDNAX

Tell us about your job/ company and what a normal day looked like pre-corona virus.

I work for a medical group, so a normal day prior to the pandemic was going into 36°N to work the administrative responsibilities that come along with hiring, onboarding, and staffing new physicians for our local hospital based practices.

How has your routine changed since working from home?

Other than not going into 36°N M-F, my routine is pretty much the same. I still get up, walk then feed my dogs, drink my coffee and then get ready for the day. I’ve just switched out my water cooler talk throughout the day with other great 36°N members for quick check-ins with my neighbors whenever my dogs need a walk.

What has been your biggest win- professional or personal- in the past month?

My biggest win professionally this past month is being one of the employees who got to keep their job. They laid off a third, furloughed a third and decreased the salary of the last third; so I feel really blessed to be apart of that ‘third group. My biggest personal win this past month actually comes in the form of stronger bonds with all of the people I cherish.

What is one piece of advice you would give to other remote workers?

I definitely recommend putting on normal work or “go out in public” clothes every day instead of sweats, yoga pants, etc. It really does help set the tone for the day, plus your waistline will thank you later when this is all over haha!

What has been your go-to quarantine meal?

Spaghetti with red wine.

Autumn Campbell
, The Planning Center, Inc.

Tell us about your job/ company and what a normal day looked like pre-corona virus.

I am a personal financial planner who helps individuals make confidant, informed decisions in their lives. The topics include all aspects of finance, including cash flow, debt, investments, insurance, business planning, taxes and estate planning. My day to day looks very similar as it did before, only I work from home instead of at 36°N.

How has your routine changed since working from home?

My work routine has stayed mostly the same, but my personal routine has shifted. Instead of in-person lunches and happy hours, I find myself attending virtual meetups. I’ve also been exploring new activities around the home such as biking, walking, and online courses from providers like MasterClass. My gym, BurnBootCamp, has also been doing live recorded sessions as well!

What has been your go-to meal?

We’ve been changing it up most days with a new subscription to Hello Fresh. It’s allowed us to spend less time preparing for meals and more time on the cooking and eating them! Our favorite meal has been the Monterey Jack Burger with Red Onion Marmalade!

What is one piece of advice you would give to other remote workers?

Check in with yourself regularly throughout the day. I ask myself how am I feeling and why between every meeting now. This can help calibrate how you’re feeling and what might help in the transition from one responsibility to the next. Many times, a walk to refill water, take 3 slow, deep breaths, and noting how I want to show up and what the in the next chunk of time is all I need to get re-centered. It is also okay to decline virtual happy hours if you need something else during that time.

What has been your biggest win- professional or personal- in the past month?

I’ve been spending more quality time with my spouse and myself. We’ve biked new places, cooked new foods (and classic favorites!) and learned new drinks. We’ve also played some fun board games such as Risk Godstorm and a good amount of Jackbox TV with various friend groups.

What is the last movie you watched?

We’ve been doing a Kevin Hart movie marathon and the last movie we watched was Jumanji!

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